12. 4. 2016 Tuesday

Software Asset Management Workshop

KPMG offices, Pobřežní 1a, Prague 8

We are increasingly seeing more of our clients seeking to obtain a better understanding of their software deployments and usage. The reasons for this vary across organisations but include:

- Achieve cost savings by identifying and removing unused software and related support.
- Prepare for forthcoming contract renewals to secure the best deal.
- Increase visibility of software deployed, software used and license entitlements.
- Be better prepared for audits by software vendors.
- Improve governance and internal controls.
- Strengthen systems and data security to protect against internal and external threats.

We understand that organisations like yours may face internal and external challenges in moving SAM initiatives forward. We believe that forums such as this are an important vehicle for like-minded executives to gain insights into how others have overcome similar challenges.  Practical experience and an understanding of market trends and developments can be invaluable in helping you define the next steps in advancing your SAM initiative, for example, on how SAM can be promoted internally to your executive team.

Confidentiality is of paramount importance to KPMG. All discussions will be held under The Chatham House Rule, therefore you can be assured that all discussions, questions and points made will remain confidential.

Complete program

8:30 - 9:00
Welcome, Registration, Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30
Current trends in SAM and market insights
9:30 - 10:15
Live survey – what you are seeing in the market
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:30 - 11:00
How can you move SAM forward in your organisation?
11:00 - 12:00
Round table discussions on SAM challenges and priorities
12:00 - 12:15
Closing remarks
12. 4. 2016 Tuesday
KPMG offices, Pobřežní 1a, Prague 8