13. 9. 2018 Thursday

KPMG Alumni party

Gröbeho vila, Havlíčkovy sady 58, Prague

You are cordially invited to our annual get-together with former colleagues. This year’s Alumni Party will take place on Thursday, 13 September 2018, at the Villa Grébovka. 

This invitation is non-transferable and will also serve as an admissions ticket.


18:30 - Welcome drink

19:00 - Foreword of KPMG managing partner Radek Halíček

23:00 - End of the party*

*by midnight it is necessary to leave the premises of the Grebovka park because it is locked for the night

13. 9. 2018 Thursday
Gröbeho vila, Havlíčkovy sady 58, Prague