24. 10. 2018 Wednesday

ICC Young Arbitrators Forum

16:00 - 21:00
Lichtenstein Palace, U Sovových mlýnů 506/4, Prague, Czech Republic

The main objective of the event is to share and exchange views on selected topics with distinguished panellists relating to investor-state dispute settlement, such as conflicts of interests and the ways of tackling them and availability of security for costs incurred by the defending States during the arbitration.

This conference is aimed at young arbitration practitioners of approximately 40 years or under: counsel, arbitrators, corporate counsel or academics. The ICC YAF Conference is an ideal forum for young practitioners to exchange thoughts on international arbitration and to enrich their network in the region.


Please let us know if you are interested in attending the 8th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference by stating YES/NO in the field "Other" at the bottom of the registration form. This answer is mandatory.



Complete program

16:00 - 16:15
Anna Bilanova
Deputy Head of International Arbitration Department, Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic
Eva Kalnina
ICC YAF Representative
16:15 - 17:15
Panel 1: Collection of legal fees - Security for Costs and other possible avenues to collect the costs incurred in the international arbitration
Jaroslav Kudrna
Legal Advisor, Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
Noor Davies
Associate, White & Case, Paris
Otakar Hájek
Senior Associate, Allen & Overy, Prague
17:15 - 17:45
Coffee break
17:45 - 18:45
Panel 2: Conflicts of Interest – strategy and considerations
Lukas Palecek
Deputy Counsel, ICC, Paris
Garth Schofield
Senior Legal Counsel, PCA, the Hague
Michele Potestà
Senior Associate, Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Geneva
Cocktail reception
24. 10. 2018 Wednesday
16:00 - 21:00
Lichtenstein Palace, U Sovových mlýnů 506/4, Prague, Czech Republic