8. 3. 2019 Friday

Finance Forum 2019

Microsoft, Vyskočilova 1561/4a, Prague 4, Prague
1 000 Kč

Come be inspired and share your opinions and experience.

Apart from macroeconomic and regulatory perspectives, you can look forward to discovering how to go agile and how to take the next step forward with robotic automation. 


Your CZK 1,000 fee will be donated to a selected NGO. Payment information to follow upon registration.

For further information, please contact akce@kpmg.cz .



8:30 - 9:00
Registration and breakfast
9:00 - 9:10
Welcome speech
9:10 - 10:00
“The European Economy – Medium Term Perspectives”
Ewald Nowotny
Governor, Austrian National Bank
Tomáš Holub
Member of the Bank Board, Czech National Bank
Discussion – chair: Zdeněk Tůma
Partner, KPMG Czech Republic
10:00 - 10:45
”Will you trust your intelligent robots? Why (not)?”
Paul Holland
Head of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics, KPMG UK
Lenka Vondra
Manager, KPMG Czech Republic, former Senior Strategy Manager, Commonwealth Bank, Australia
Discussion – chair: David Slánský
Partner, KPMG Czech Republic
10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:00
“Going Agile”
Ton Hagens
Executive Program Director, ABN AMRO Bank N.V.
Discussion – chair: Martin Hladík
Partner, KPMG Czech Republic
12:00 - 12:45
"Financial services policy priorities over time”
Martin Špolc
Head of Sustainable finance and Fintech unit, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union European Commission) – an EU view
Mojmír Hampl
Former Vice-Governor of the Czech National Bank) – a view from an EU member country
Discussion – chair: Iva Baranová
Senior Attorney, KPMG Legal
8. 3. 2019 Friday
Microsoft, Vyskočilova 1561/4a, Prague 4, Prague
1 000 Kč