26. 9. 2022 Monday

Alumni Barbecue

Terrace Grill Mánes, Masarykovo nábřeží 250/1, Prague 1

The evening will start at 6 pm with a welcome drink and light refreshments. After an official kick-off at 7 pm, we'll get to enjoy specialties from the grill on the terrace surrounded by Prague’s beautiful sights.

As capacity is limited, please make sure to register by 22 September.

If you have any questions, please contact Jana Záveská on +420 602 608 777 or jzaveska@kpmg.cz.


The invitation is non-transferable to other persons.

26. 9. 2022 Monday
Terrace Grill Mánes, Masarykovo nábřeží 250/1, Prague 1