27. 5. 2017 Saturday

Golf Tournament KPMG Czech Republic Invitational

Golf Resort Karlštejn, Běleč 272, 276 27 Liteň

Following a cannon start, the tournament will be played according to the net Stableford handicap system in three categories.

This invitation is nontransferable.

Please RSVP by completing the registration form. The tournaments capacity is limited, so don’t hesitate and register today.

Should you have any questions regarding the registration, please contact Barbara Štrbíková by e-mail at bstrbikova@kpmg.cz.

8.00–9.00      Registration

8.00–9.30      Breakfast

9.30–9.40      Tournament opening ceremony

9.40–9.55      Players arrive at their respective starting holes for the cannon start

10.00–15.30   Golf tournament and special competitions
                     (Nearest to the Pin, Longest Drive, Charitable hole, Meet the Pro - Klára Spilková)

15.30–17.00   Refreshments

17.00              Announcement of results and tournament closing ceremony

27. 5. 2017 Saturday
Golf Resort Karlštejn, Běleč 272, 276 27 Liteň